Statutory Information

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To view our full list of Policies visit the Key Information section of our website


School Contact Details

Washwood Heath Academy, Burney Lane, Stechford, Birmingham, B8 2AS

Tel: 0121 6757272
Fax: 0121 6759077
Twitter: @washwoodheath

Admissions Arrangements

School Uniform

Ofsted Reports


View the latest results reports published by the Department for Education

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

Performance Tables

Performance Tables

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.


Key Stage 2: 

Key Stage 2 internal data 2022-23

Key Stage 4: 




What this means

Attainment & Progress

Attainment 8 Grade


On average, Washwood Heath Academy students achieved passes in their GCSE exams. This is inline with the national average.

Average Total Progress 8


On average, WHA students made better than expected progress compared to the national cohort. This means students made better progress at Washwood than at other schools.

Top Grades

9-7 in English and Maths


1 in 12 students achieved the top grades in both English and Maths.

9-7 in English


1 in 5 students achieved the top grades in English.

9-7 in Maths


1 in 10 students achieved the top grades in Maths.

Strong Pass

9-5 in English and Maths


1 in 3 students achieved at least a grade 5 (strong pass) in both English and in  Maths.

9-5 in English


11 in 20 students achieved at least a grade 5 (strong pass) in English.

9-5 in Maths


2 in 5 students achieved at least a grade 5 (strong pass) in Maths.

5 Strong Passes inc EM


3 in 10 students achieved at least grade 5 (strong pass) in 5 or more of their subjects including English and Maths.

Standard Pass

9-4 in English and Maths


3 in 5 students achieved at least a grade 4 (standard pass) in both English and in  Maths.

9-4 in English


3 in 4 students achieved at least a grade 4 (standard pass) in English.

9-4 in Maths


2 in 3 students achieved at least a grade 4 (standard pass) in Maths.

5 Standard Passes inc EM ?


11 in 20 students achieved at least grade 4 (standard pass) in 5 or more of their subjects including English and Maths.

Ebacc % of pupils entered for t Ebacc 52.8%

% of pupils staying in Education or employment after KS4: 98.13%

Key Stage 5:

Level 3 Value Added (L3VA):  +0.08


Retention Factor: 94.8%

Destination information:

Sustained Education = 70%

Sustained Employment = 12%

Sustained Apprenticeship = 0%

School Opening Hours


Remote Education

Behaviour, Code of Conduct and Ethos

Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium

PE and Sport Premium for Primary Schools

Music Development Plan

Public Sector Equality duty: Equality Objectives

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Careers Programme Information

Complaints Policy

Annual Reports and Accounts

Executive Pay

Trustees' Information and Duties

Charging and Remissions

Values and Ethos

Requests for Copies

For copies of information on this website, please email:


Disability Access

Although a basic level of disability access is in place at trust academies, the architectural design means that some of the main buildings remain unsuitable for access to students with significant physical disabilities and mobility difficulties, such as those using wheelchairs.

Ramped entrances to the front of the school are now in place but access to the upper storeys of the academies is not possible (Taken from the SEN Policy).