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Reporting and Assessment
Assessment Practices at Washwood Heath Academy
- Students are routinely assessed in lessons using a variety of low-stakes methods to inform adaptive and responsive teaching, so that learners are always being challenged and staff are identifying and proactively addressing gaps and misconceptions in learning.
- Students will complete more summative written or practical assessments on a regular basis, the frequency of which will depend on the nature of the subject and the number of lessons students have on their timetable.
- Every year group completes a formal, summative written/practical assessment a minimum of twice per year. These assessments are used to determine:
- in KS3, individual student progress relative to their start point;
- in KS4 and KS5, their current and projected attainment in the form of a GCSE/BTEC grade.
- We focus on the progress of our students, rather than only their attainment, as we believe that every grade should be celebrated if it is a success for a student; likewise, every grade should be challenged if the students can achieve better. This ensures that teachers and Heads of Subjects consider every student individually.
- For the 2025 and 2026 cohorts, who do not have KS2 outcomes, we are using CAT scores to estimate KS2 scaled scores. As part of the SISRA Data Collaboration, we can still internally use student and subject progress as our primary driver for delivering strong outcomes.
- In all year groups, we also report a score from 1 to 4 against four “Attitude to Learning” descriptors, which align with the school behaviour policy. These are Ready, Respectful, Safe and Independent Learning.
Reporting Progress at KS3
- Students in KS3 receive a report twice a year, at the end of the autumn term and again at the end of the summer term.
- Based on formal assessments in every subject, these reports inform parents whether their child’s progress in each subject is “below”, “on track” or “above”, relative to their entry point in KS2.
- Standardised scores are used to compare individual student outcomes with their KS2 start point and make the judgement about their progress. This creates a rigorous process which is informed by data.
Reporting Progress and Attainment at KS4 and KS5
- Year 10 and 12 receive a report in January at their parents’ evening, and a second at the end of the summer term following their summer mock exams (which are their first formal mock exams). These mock exams focus on Core and EBacc subjects, although other subjects are invited to hold a mock if they will find it beneficial.
- Year 11 and 13 receive reports following their autumn and spring mock exams. These reports are given out at parents’ evening immediately following the mock periods, allowing subject teachers to feedback vital information directly to parents/carers to support students making the greatest progress possible.
- This report contains a current attainment grade (what the student is expected to sit their GCSE/BTEC at this point) as well as a forecast grade (what their teacher expects the student to achieve at the end of the course in their final examinations, based on their current grade, attitude and effort).
- Following these formal assessments and mocks, staff use a Data Driven Instruction (DDI) approach to identify gaps and misconceptions, and use this to inform subsequent planning and teaching, including interventions.