Bursary Information
Eligible students in the Sixth Form are entitled to bursary support. This can include financial support, free school meals and provision of a free laptop to support the students’ studies.
The 16-19 Bursary Fund provides financial support to help students overcome specific barriers to participation so they can remain in education. The amount of funding available for each school to distribute has been determined by the government and there is a finite amount of funds to be distributed. Washwood Heath Academy is therefore committed to distributing the bursary fund to those students with the greatest need. The policy below gives further detail on the bursary fund, how applications can be made and how decisions will be reached.
There are two types of 16-19 bursary:
• A vulnerable bursary of up to £1,200 per year for young people in one of the defined vulnerable groups.
• Discretionary bursaries which institutions award to meet individual needs, for example, to help with the cost of transport, meals, books and equipment.
To be eligible to receive a bursary, a student:
• Must be aged 16 or over but under 19 at 31 August for the year they are about to study.
• Must meet the residency criteria in ESFA funding regulations for post-16 provision. Those on 1 September who are settled in the UK, and have been ordinarily resident in the UK for the preceding three years will be eligible as will certain other groups.