Washwood heath academy11

Sixth Form Enrichment

DofE Presentation

At Washwood Heath Academy Sixth Form, we recognise that while academic qualifications are very important, all students should also be given a wide range of opportunities to enjoy themselves outside of the classroom and to help them develop into well-rounded young adults. To facilitate this, we offer an enrichment programme which runs throughout the week.

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Students can take part in a wide range of enrichment opportunities, including:

  • Physical Education
  • Cooking
  • Chess club
  • Debating
  • Envision
  • Photography club
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award
  • Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
  • ….and many more!

Duke of Edinburgh Award

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a very prestigious award that is highly respected by universities and employers. We offer 21 places to our Sixth Form students to give everyone the opportunity to take part regardless of their financial background. The award involves 4 sections: Skills, Physical, Volunteering and Expedition. Through the completion of these sections students are challenged and pushed outside their comfort
zones. Overcoming these challenges strengths their resilience and problems solving abilities which make them a better prospect to universities and employers.

Each year we develop our enrichment programme further based on students’ requests, so whatever you are keen to be part of, from astronomy to animal conservation, we can help develop your interests further.

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