Slt 9688 1

Welcome to our Primary School

Within the Primary Phase at Washwood Heath Academy, we believe in creating and sustaining a positive and uplifting culture for all of our children and we also do this for each other as well. 

We are a caring and nurturing environment which aims to develop all of our core HEARTS values:   

Happiness, Excellence, Achievement, Respect, Resilience, Tolerance and Self-Belief. 

We go above and beyond to ensure that everybody within our school community feels respected, challenged, supported and safe.  We believe in being: Ready, Respectful and Safe and we expect all visitors to our school to uphold our three rules.  We aim to equip our pupils with the right tools for them to achieve and we aim to provide them with the most effective environment that ignites curiosity and wonder.  We support our families in ensuring that they too, can provide the right environment for our children to learn effectively and to grow securely both emotionally and mentally. Together as one school, Washwood Heath Academy provides a safe and caring environment for our pupils led by highly-effective staff whose main aim is to ensure a continuing ethos of resilience and respect in learning.


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@washwoodheath - 21 Oct
Last week in Yr2 Science ,we were investigating the importance of bodily hygiene. We looked at how soap plays an important role in removing harmful bacteria that would make us poorly.— Washwood Heath Academy: All Through School () October 21, 2024
@washwoodheath - 18 Oct
Year 3 had a fantastic time during their forest school session, exploring nature and enjoying some exciting bird watching!— Washwood Heath Academy: All Through School () October 18, 2024
@washwoodheath - 15 Oct
The Reader Leaders have been assigned their first few tasks! We're creating that love of reading ❤️— Washwood Heath Academy: All Through School () October 15, 2024
@washwoodheath - 15 Oct
The School Council have spoken! Our pupil leaders met yesterday afternoon to discuss some activities for Recycling Week - watch this space everyone 😎— Washwood Heath Academy: All Through School () October 15, 2024
@washwoodheath - 14 Oct
The children helped make a 'Good Friend Checklist'.We decided to make a 'good friend potion'.The Children loved mixing the different ingredients that they listed kindness, playing with our friends, sharing and listening to friends. The children had lots of fun creating potions— Washwood Heath Academy: All Through School () October 14, 2024
@washwoodheath - 14 Oct
Reception have been exploring the book 'Lost and Found'. We had a class discussion on how the boy was helping the Penguin so that he feels happy again. The children helped make a 'Good Friend Checklist'. We decided to make a 'good friend potion'.— Washwood Heath Academy: All Through School () October 14, 2024
@washwoodheath - 11 Oct
Part of a Forest school session the children have been tasting the popcorn that was made on an open fire. Children were also taught about fire safety.— Washwood Heath Academy: All Through School () October 11, 2024
@washwoodheath - 11 Oct
This week in Year 2 we have been learning all about recipes in DT.  We also learnt how to use knifes safely to chop up our fruit.  We made yummy fruit salads.— Washwood Heath Academy: All Through School () October 11, 2024
@washwoodheath - 11 Oct
is a campaign to promote the mental health and wellbeing benefits of reading. 10th October mark World Mental Wellbeing Day – can you support our pledge of . At Washwood Heath, we did!— Washwood Heath Academy: All Through School () October 11, 2024
@washwoodheath - 11 Oct
During their forest school session, Year 3 got creative by carefully selecting plants from outdoors to make beautiful artwork.— Washwood Heath Academy: All Through School () October 11, 2024
@washwoodheath - 10 Oct
In DT Year 4 have been looking at healthy and unhealthy foods. We made a healthy snack using a range of fruits - it was delicious!— Washwood Heath Academy: All Through School () October 10, 2024
@washwoodheath - 3 Oct
Yr 6 had the opportunity to go to secondary science department to dissect, explore and identify the features and functions of the heart in real life! They identified the 4 chambers and the blood vessels, the children behaved exceptionally well and even learnt about heart strings— Washwood Heath Academy: All Through School () October 3, 2024
@washwoodheath - 3 Oct
Year 1 History Workshop.Year 1 had worked with their families to create a family tree!— Washwood Heath Academy: All Through School () October 3, 2024
@washwoodheath - 3 Oct
In History last week Year 1 looked at everyday life in the 1950s. One of the areas we looked at was shopping we discussed how people would have to shop in the 1950's we also compared it to how we shop now!— Washwood Heath Academy: All Through School () October 3, 2024
@washwoodheath - 2 Oct
In DT, Year 3 children have been practicing their cutting skills with apples. After carefully slicing the apples, they enjoyed them as a healthy and delicious snack.— Washwood Heath Academy: All Through School () October 2, 2024
@washwoodheath - 27 Sep
Year 2 have been using their oracy skills to sequence pictures from our story of Sulwe this week. We have been looking at the moral of the story and linking this the rights of a child.— Washwood Heath Academy: All Through School () September 27, 2024
@washwoodheath - 27 Sep
In Yr 2 we have been using our base 10 to support our knowledge of place value.We have learnt how many tens and ones are in a 2 digit number.We have also partitioned 2 digit numbers using our part whole models.Fabulous work already from our hard working Yr 2 children.Well done.— Washwood Heath Academy: All Through School () September 27, 2024
@washwoodheath - 27 Sep
Balanceability in action! This week reception children have been playing bench games. The children to sit and straddle a bench with appropriate distance in between. The children learnt about bike safety and how we need to wear a helmet when riding a bike, to protect our skull.— Washwood Heath Academy: All Through School () September 27, 2024
@washwoodheath - 26 Sep
Y4 have been utilising their Talk Tactics across all subjects this week. Our favourite session was looking at sources in History. We learnt so much about the Anglo Saxons and their invasion in Britain! — Washwood Heath Academy: All Through School () September 26, 2024
@washwoodheath - 25 Sep
In DT, children have been practicing their cutting skills with apples. After carefully slicing the apples, they enjoyed them as a healthy and delicious snack.— Washwood Heath Academy: All Through School () September 25, 2024