Behaviour and Attitudes

The Washwood Heath Academy Code of Conduct builds upon the Academy’s core values and creates behavioural expectations for all areas of the Academy, from EYFS all the way through to Sixth Form, emphasising the core behaviour that should apply to every situation. It is purposely simple to ensure all stakeholders (students, parents and staff) can remember our three simple rules and apply them consistently. Our rules require students to be Ready, Respectful and Safe.

All Academy rules and expectations are expressed in constructive and positive language emphasising our expectations and the things that we should do.

Positive relationships are pivotal to our behaviour system and staff receive training on how to facilitate restorative conversations with students to rebuild relationships if they should break down.  Students are encouraged to understand how their behaviour impacts on themselves and others and how they can make positive changes in the future.

The Code of Conduct is displayed in classrooms and other areas of the school in order to maintain a focus on positive behaviour management and as an aid to consistency.

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Encouraging positive attitudes to school is considered to be at the heart of Washwood Heath Academy’s strategy for improvement. Students are taught to have the highest expectations of behaviour, manners and respect for all members of the school community. Students are encouraged to be kind and considerate, and to have respect and show tolerance for all regardless of an individual’s, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. We expect our parents and student’s to work with the school with its zero tolerance approach towards bullying, peer-on-peer abuse and discrimination. We work hard to ensure our students are committed to learning, know how to study effectively, are resilient to setbacks and take pride in their achievements. We identify students’ attendance and attitude to learning as a key element in the process. The promotion of British values and an understanding of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects of learning are at the heart of what we do.


Washwood Heath Academy’s School Uniform

Here at Washwood Heath Academy we take great pride in our school uniform and expect all student’s to do the same. Our uniform gives students a sense of belonging and creates an identity for the Academy in the community.

The same also applies to the equipment we expect students to bring with them into school on a daily basis. We firmly believe that ensuring our students are ready and prepared for education will allow for more focus to be placed on their learning within the classroom.

We expect all staff to support in addressing any concerns regarding a student’s uniform or lack of equipment with additional support from Heads of House and Guidance Managers, who will put in place the necessary interventions when any student fails to comply with the Academy’s uniform expectations.


Consistency and Routines

Routines are an integral part of how our Code of Conduct is implemented across the school. We have a set of very clear routines which enable all staff to help support behaviour across the Academy.

Start of Lessons

Teachers are to be at classrooms as quickly as possible when moving rooms between lessons.

Meet & Greet at the door: greeting pupils with a smile and positively reinforcing expectations of learners walking down the corridor.

Do Now: ready on the board for learners.

Equipment: Learners to put their Pencil Case, Prep Book and Knowledge Organiser Booklet/ Knowledge Folder (and any other items for that lesson) on their desk.

Register: to be taken in the first 10minutes of the lesson.

SLANT: to be reinforced throughout the lesson.

End of Lessons

Quietly Tidy: Learners are to quietly and sensibly tidy their work space and put their equipment away. They should keep out their Pencil Case, Prep Book and KO Booklet/ Folder and carry these ready for next lesson.

Chairs and Stand: Learners should push their chair or stool sensibly  under the table and stand quietly behind their chair waiting to be dismissed.

Dismissal: When the room is tidy and learners are waiting quietly the teacher is to dismiss from the door, a row at a time. Learners should exit the classroom sensibly and swiftly and in single file.