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Rights Respecting Schools

We teach our students about their Rights at Washwood Heath Academy

Washwood Heath Academy is a Gold Rights Respecting School and is welcoming Unicef for a 'Sustaining Gold' re-accrediation on 8th October 2025. 

It means the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child permeates everything we do from Primary through to Sixth Form.

It means that our students understand their rights and their need to respect the rights of others. This is inherent in our Anti-bullying Pledge.

It means that all duty bearers at Washwood Heath Academy are committed to ensuring dignity and equity for our entire school community.

This is reflected in our assemblies, in our lessons, in our enrichment activities and every part of our Academy life to enable us to fulfil our vision and give our students the best preparation for adult life.

To see the Convention, please click here to see it on the UNICEF UK website.

2 white ribbon info

3 know your rights

Washwood pledge


Page Downloads Date  
Our rights CRC summary 16th Sep 2021 Download