Religious Education and Collective Worship

Religious Education and Collective Worship
  • Cornerstones - curriculum overview - ALL YEARS
  • English- Writing
  • English- Reading
  • Maths
  • Science
  • History
  • Geography
  • Art
  • Physical Education
  • PSHE
  • Design Technology
  • Religious Education and Collective Worship
  • Music
  • Modern Foreign Languages
  • Computing

“Differences were meant not to divide but to enrich.” 


Our Intent (Religious Education):

Our RE lessons are intended to offer a broad and rich RE curriculum to allow for coverage of the areas prescribed; to allow for a variety of ways to explore religions, their community and personal development and wellbeing. The lessons have an intention of providing a high quality, coherent and progressive experience of the subject, with scope for cross-curricular learning. Through each unit, children will know about and understand a range of religions and world views. They will be able to identify, investigate and respond to a variety of issues. SMSC, personal growth and community cohesion are featured throughout each non-statutory strand and are there to ensure opportunities for children to develop positive attitudes and values and to reflect on and relate their learning in RE to their own experiences. The intent is to make sure that children understand the relevance of RE in today’s modern world and how it affects our lives.




Our Intent (Collective Worship):

The intent of Collective Worship in the Primary Phase at Washwood Heath is to:

  • Promote the spiritual, moral and cultural development of the children.
  • Provide regular opportunities for the children to participate in collective prayer and reflection.
  • Frequently share and discuss stories from different faiths and discover the meaning and learning of these stories.
  • Explore the meaning of each Heart Value and express what this means to them.
  • Build strong relationships with members of the local community
  • Encourage the children to think about current issues in the world and what they can do to contribute to the healing or improvement of this – i.e. charity work/prayer/changing their actions etc.
  • Create opportunities for the children to explore other faiths and gain a good understanding and mutual respect of their beliefs, culture and traditions.


Collective worship











Subject Documents Date  
Collective Worship Intent Implementation and Impact 23rd Mar 2023 Download
PRIMARY Curriculum overview RE 2023 24 FINAL 03rd May 2024 Download